Monday, July 15, 2013


Just a quick update:  yesterday's catering gig went very well.  The dozen ladies were an easy bunch, especially after a couple of cocktails.  They loved the food and the small portions of it. They liked the dessert, they liked the service, the clean-up, all of it.

I have to thank my friend Jill who came along and was my right-hand person, cleaning up, plating, serving, doing everything.  Without her it would have been so much more work and so much less fun.

I did learn something:  salt the food!  I am not a big salt person, never have been unless it's on popcorn. Or steak.  But as I was re-cooking the green beans yesterday, I kept tasting them and kept sprinkling salt and lemon juice on them and they were delicious!  Same thing with the corn and the port-balsamic-shallot reduction:  added more salt than I normally do and all were extremely tasty.  It's a lesson to me, taste and add salt when needed.  You would have thought I would know that by now, and I did but yesterday's experience made it a lot more clear.

And today is a total day off.  The day opened cloudy and gray and cold, a perfect day to read and watch a movie on TV and walk the dogs.  Had plans to do more adventurous stuff but put it off for another day.  I think I just needed a quiet, down day.

Movie review(s) coming up.

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