Monday, September 1, 2014

Are you awake now?

If anyone reads this, and thank you if you do, it has been a tough week.  My  level of ennui has reached Mt. Everest proportions.  My lack of concern about my hotel job has reached levels way below sea level, like Badwater levels in Death Valley.  "I don't care" is my new mantra. I don't care, and in the hospitality industry, that is simply not good.

My Mom is in the hospital again.  This time it's pretty serious.  Problems with her lungs, heart and kidneys.  Not sure what's going on and the doctors aren't sure either.  But hey, at 94, things fail.  Many things fail at once.  I wish she would just stroke out or have a bigger heart attack and die simply.  The prognosis isn't good and the long term care options are worse. If that sounds callus, so be it. Putting her in a long term "care facility" sounds a lot worse than dying.

Oh, my Baby Boom Generation compatriots, let's take up the flag and opt for a way out!  We are huge, this generation, and we should have some clout.  It should be easy to drink the Koolaid at some point, to just fade away when it is appropriate. I do not know one person in the age bracket of 50 - 75 who wants to hang on in a fucking nursing home, having someone run an IV line in, have someone spoon gruel and applesauce into one's mouth, have someone change diapers, have someone prop you up in bed. 

More on this a little later. 

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