Sunday, October 16, 2016

And just where does the time go? A week goes by in the snap of two days, a month is gone in what feels like two weeks.

Is it a product of being too busy? Is it a by-product of getting older?  Would it be different if I was retired and didn't work five or six days every week?  It's a Monday and then a Tuesday and then it seems like it's Friday, without any slot for the Wednesday and Thursday, then the week is over and it goes again and again. What did I do two Fridays ago? I don't know, I have to make notes in my little pocket calendar to even keep track of simple things like having dinner out with friends, getting a pedicure, taking a hike. If I don't write these things down, they get lost in the blurry pace of the everyday. It's not that I forget (or it could be just that) but it's more that the days and the time speed by so quickly that the past is too past.

The perfect example is French class.  It takes place on Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30.  Every week I promise myself that I will be diligent and work at least 20 minutes every day on French language.  But class is on Thursday. Before I know it, Friday and Saturday have blown by and it is Sunday night, I have worked all weekend and I have done zero homework. Monday and Tuesday nights I usually work and I try and do a little work then, but lately it is so busy at work that I don't get to it. (Yes, I could do the work on Monday or Tuesday day time but one of those days is spent driving to Sacramento and back so that shoots a day and the other is spent running errands and doing laundry, so there goes the other day.) Before you know it, Wednesday rolls around and I have done NOTHING!  

And that's how it goes, week after week. The days zip by. My plans are written down on scraps of paper, plans to study French, plans to sweep the back patio, plans to mop the floors, to buy new walking shoes, to pick up books at the library, to make an appointment for a mammogram.  Plans, plans, plans and as serious as I am about all of them, it's as if I made those plans on rice paper with disappearing ink. Those plans fade away as quickly as clown tears. 

It is now half way through October. It is a month (more or less) until Thanksgiving. What happened to 2016?  Will I ever have the time to study French?  Will I buy new walking shoes, will I have the time to sweep the back patio or will spring arrive before that happens?  I honestly do not know.

But I do know it's time to walk Cooper for his final pee of the day and it's about time for bed for both of us. For that, the time is always right.


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