Monday, February 6, 2017

Too long, too busy, too many days and not enough writing

Because of a staff shortage for the last three weeks, I have been taking more shifts. Six a week. I had a long run of shifts and I was expecting a nice chunk of overtime pay but alas, that did not happen.  I keep forgetting that you can work 12 days in a row without one minute of overtime (unless you work more than 8 hours in one day, of course) and thus, minimal overtime for me.  It did teach me to just say "no" when asked to fill in. There is no point. No overtime, no reason to  be nice to take more shifts.

Working at the front desk of a small 15 room hotel doesn't seem like it would be that big of a job. Answer phones, give out maps, make dinner reservations. How hard is that? But the morning shifts are pretty busy and there is always a lot to do and I am simply tired of working so many hours. The one day off I might get is spent either driving to Sacramento to see Mom or doing laundry and running errands so there really isn't a day off.

Movies: last night I watched "Sully" with Tom Hanks about his landing of a plane on the Hudson River in NYC by Captain Sullenberger.  Good movie, although it is mostly about the investigation by the NTSB into his water landing.  Hanks is good, as always, and the movie is solid.

I watched another Tom Hanks movie, "Inferno" which was stupid but it took place in Italy, so there was nice scenery.  And part of it took place in Istanbul in the underground water cisterns which are lovely, so that was nice to see. 

Tonight I watched Woody Allen's "Cafe Society" which was good, just a small movie about love found and love lost and life in general. It was simple, but I like Woody Allen's movies, so I was primed to like it from the beginning. There aren't a lot of sympathetic characters in it, they are all a bit self-serving, but the point was well made and the music was good and overall, I would recommend it.

And then I watched "Mr. Holmes" with the amazing Ian McKellan as Sherlock Holmes in his very late years, in the throes of either Alzheimer's or dementia, but it's a really nice film. He is amazing, just the way his old face can still convey twenty different things at one time.  And in this movie is Laura Linney, who was also in "Sully" and she is one of my favorites, so it was a double win. It's a movie about characters, slow and nuanced. I liked it a lot.

Now I must convince Cooper and Bebe to go out and pee (it is raining, so they don't want to venture out) and then to bed because tomorrow is an early morning.  

over and out.

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