Thursday, October 22, 2020

Trying but not suceeding

 Seriously, folks, I am trying to come up with things to write about here but I am failing. Everything weighs me down, as I am sure it does you. With the repeated Red Flag Warnings, the repeated warnings about Covid, the repetitive crap about the election, over and over, I am weary of it all. Like so many, I cannot wait until November 4, when we will have a decision on how this country and our lives will proceed. I hold out little hope for a good result but that's because I am a pessimist and I do not trust 70% of the American voters.

Perhaps our human race is just an evolutionary experiment. Dinosaurs lived on this planet for about 165 million years. Humans have been around for less than 6 million years.  With the destruction of the earth that we humans are causing, especially climate change, maybe in another thousand years we will all be gone and the experiment will be over. Other life forces will arise, of course. The earth will still exist. We silly humans cannot destroy the planet entirely, but we can destroy our viability on the planet. And it seems we are headed that way.

Pessimistic, yes, but maybe not entirely unfounded. I just read this online:  This week, a new policy paper from an Australian think tank claims that those other reports are slightly off; the risks of climate change are actually much, much worse than anyone can imagine.Climate change poses a "near- to mid-term existential threat to human civilization," and there's a good chance society could collapse as soon as 2050 if serious mitigation actions aren't taken in the next decade.

Yes, that sounds ominous and it should. It is any wonder why some of us are in the dark zone right now?  Seven months of being told not to engage in social activities like going out to dinner or hanging out with your friends. Seven months of being wary even going to the grocery store. Seven months of crossing the street when someone is coming towards you, even if you are both wearing a mask. Seven months of listening to fucking jerks who deny the safety of masks, who think "herd immunity" is the answer to this virus, who think there is a pedophile ring being run by Hillary Clinton under Grand Central Station in New York, seven months of that shit...... is it any wonder why a person with an IQ over 100 is sick of this crap?

But then there are all those people with an IQ over 100 who are promoting this crap.  I don't get it. I get none of it.  And it makes me sad, depressed, scared and anxious and pissed off. 

I will try to write more often and in a less scathing manner. But I cannot promise that.


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