Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Philosophy of Old Age

 When does Old Age begin?  When one is 30, it seems like it would begin at 60.  When one is 60, perhaps 72.  Maybe when one gets to be 80 and is still coherent that person could argue that it never begins. Or it began a long time ago and who cares?

I am 71 and a half. I don't feel old, except sometimes and that's pretty much just physical stuff that happens when you get old: tired muscles, creaky joints, arthritis, dry skin, runny nose. Maybe the physical complaints shouldn't define Old Age. But they do.  Along with the slowly waning mental acuity and the ready acknowledgement that death is no longer an abstract. 

Therefore, I am in the Old Age period of my life.  The question is this: what comes after Old Age and before Death?  Really Old Age?  I don't have an answer, nor do I want one.  It's bad enough to be in the Old Age category.  Let's just all acknowledge that what comes next is the Terminator: Death. So what if Old Age is the obvious precursor to Death?  We all knew it would arrive at some time, so it needs no introduction and there is no illusion about it all. We are here now. We will die.  Let's move on.

But being in this age group doesn't mean giving in and dying. If anything it means the opposite. I feel far from death and most people I know do as well. So my philosophy of Old Age is simple:  fuck it all.  Acknowledge the aches and pains and the waning mental acuity but, at the same time, kick ass, don't whine, drink wine, and go out and have a jolly good time.  Everyone dies. Why worry about it? Stay happy and healthy and listen to good music. 

What a lame-ass blog this is.  But I am posting it nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. Notlame.And, yes, the older I get the more I don't care what others think about me. I do what makes me happy and that does NOT mean being abusive to any one or thing. Fuck anyone who is!
