Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Walking. And talking. And talking, talking, talking......

Call me a grumpy old lady, I don't care.  I'm walking quietly through the regional park, listening to the birds, enjoying the meditative quality of an early morning walk when a screech like a screaming eagle shatters my reverie and sets my teeth on edge. Three people walking together, talking in loud voices that could probably be heard a half mile away, having no respect for the calm, tranquil morning. I don't get this. You are right next to your walking partner, why use your Alpine ski voice?  No one within the half mile circle of your voice cares about your friend Sandro and his chickens.  No one in the park on a beautiful morning wants to hear about your husband's cholesterol count. (Seriously, I heard about both of these things within 90 seconds.) No one in the park even knows Sandro or your husband and if we did, we would want them to vanish off the face of California (they could still stay on the earth, just far away) so you wouldn't scream about them while walking along with your really sad and embarrassed dog. 

The park is for everyone. It isn't just for you and your spandexed friends. Lululemon doesn't care that you are advertising her (?) clothes while you shout out your love for the guy who did your Botox work. Shut the fuck up.  

I had to actually turn around and walk away from these three people, out of the park, back to my car. Walking is lovely. Talking and shouting and ranting loudly is not lovely. Made me want to chug down a shot of cheap whiskey but I didn't because it wasn't even 8:00 in the morning and I never drink before 8:30 a.m. 

Kidding.  But not about the noise. 

Hawks screech.  People should not.  Just saying.


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