Thursday, July 28, 2011


Sorry for the lack of blog postings this week, I have totally lost any sort of focus, any motivation and definitely have lost a great deal of perseverance. I fear the heat has become the tyrant that I must obey.  Yes, I do my little daily routine but that's about all I can manage to accomplish.  Walk the dogs from 6:45 to 7:30, sweat for a half hour, shower, have coffee and read for an hour.  Run some half-ass made-up errand.  Return before noon, read some more, go to the gym at 1:00 for 40 minutes.  Return, gather the dogs into the car, take them to the grassy area of the park where they run around for 7 minutes and then beg to be let back in the car. Return to the house, where it is cooler. Sweat.  Take another shower.  Read some more.  Feed dogs at 5:00.  Make cocktail or pour wine at 5:30 (sometimes managing to hold out until 6:00.)  Create some sort of dinner around 7:00, watch crappy TV til 10:00, let dogs out for last chance to pee.  In between, check email, apply for jobs on-line, occasionally talk to a human person on the phone.  That's it. That's the routine, varied slightly by perhaps seeing a movie or taking a different route in the car after completing stupid errands.  Boring.

And with all that excitement during my oh-so-busy day, there just isn't enough time to create some amusing musing about my sojourn here in TX.  Well, no, there is time, but the will to do so has vanished. 

I will try to be better, try to write even if I don't have anything to say (like today!) and hopefully get more words onto the screen.  I could talk about dinner, I suppose:  I  made a killer macaroni and cheese the other night, with several odds and ends of bits of cheese that were turning colors in the fridge.  I had some home-made garlic and rosemary croutons as well, and I rough chopped them up and sprinkled them over the mac and cheese before it went into the oven and it added another layer of yummy, crunchy flavor.

I am also the queen of the fruit smoothies.  You can't leave fruit out for longer than a day and a half, or it starts to go bad, so random fruits get tossed into the blender with some greek yogurt, a couple of ice cubes and a glug or two of orange juice.  I must say, it is like drinking a really great milk shake but with almost no fat, some good protein from the yogurt and tons of fruit.  That's pretty much my lunch every day.  So, so good.

Blah, blah, blah.  That's all I've got right now.

1 comment:

  1. It amazes me to read your posts and see you realizing the things I have realized about living in GP. Fruit smoothies, the walking of dogs, the making up of errands, the tomatoes, the reasons for GP to be in the news... all of it. See you soon and hopefully between me and Uncle John we can alleviate some of the dullness. If anything, I'll happily jump into the kitchen and whip up everything and anything - after, of course, a 12 hour sleep in MY bed and a good hour of cuddling with my dog. :)
