Saturday, March 1, 2014

Henry and Sam

Three Saturdays ago Henry and Sam were here and spent the day and the night. Their Mom, the lovely Stacey, realized it had been a long time since the boys had gotten to hang out with me and Jenn, and so she made it happen.

It was a rainy sort of day, one of the first that we had had in a long time, so there wasn't a lot of outdoor time, but it didn't matter.  Henry and Sam have a lot of Lego's, so we spent some time building crazy Lego creations.  They also have a lot of cars, dozens of them, and we turned the hallway into a racetrack.  Crashes were common.  Some silly kids movies were watched. Sam and I had serious conversations in which his use of language continues to surprise me.  He uses big words in the correct context, like "...they were all laughing hysterically!"  What 4 year old says things like that?

Henry and I spent some time opening all the spice jars (we have many) and smelling the contents. Henry likes anything that involves the kitchen, so he was entertained as long as there were new smells to experience.  All five of us worked on a mural on our hallway wall, butcher paper having been taped up, crayons and markers at the ready.  The mural is still up and will stay there until it falls down in tatters.

All of us, and the dogs, went for a walk to the park even though it was raining. The park was flooded so the boys got to splash in the little lake that the rain created. All of us got quite wet but none of us cared. We had hot cocoa when we got home and it was very good.

Finally the boys had dinner and were tucked in, sort of, for the night and the three women had a delicious dinner of Jenn's Famous Pasta and salad and wine.  It was a very good day.

I don't know why I didn't write about this day when it happened. Maybe I wasn't ready to share it. But Sam and Henry are such cool, wise, funny people and I wish you could all know them. How easy it is to forget the machinations of a child's mind and how wondrous it is to rediscover that. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Such a fun weekend. We're going to head back up real soon. You have so many walls that need mural creations. xoxo S.
