Saturday, April 12, 2014

Writers Blahs: Suffering from ADD

So, no writer's block here, just writer's blahs. That's why there has been nothing for more than a week.  Just got the blahs, the boring state of ennui has taken hold and won't let go.  It's too bad. I want to write, but nothing sounds even moderately appealing.  And if it there is no appeal, what's the point.

I think I have ADD. Not the attention deficit thing.  This is more like Adult Destiny Distress.  What am I supposed to be doing?  Is this it? Is this my destiny, after almost 64 years, to be working in a fancy boutique hotel, being nice all the time to strangers, struggling to balance my expenses with the small income every month, living with the wrong roommate, facing five more years of this easy yet unchallenging job, all the while becoming more and more pissed off at myself for being in this predicament when all I really want to do is travel.  I know, lots of us just want to travel and don't want to work all the time, I am not special in this.  I just don't want to be here anymore. 

Sigh. Whine. Awful Demon Dance. Got to get these demons out of my head, got to get on track somehow, got to do something to move this life forward instead of feeling stuck in the LaBrea tar pits every day.  What to do?  Don't know but I better figure it out quickly.

1 comment:

  1. What about a job on a cruise line?
