Saturday, May 31, 2014

Good food porn and a happy ending

As I read that title, I am a little wary of putting the word "porn" with "happy ending."  And if you know why, well, you'll know why.

But still, it isn't about that kind of "happy ending."  Just watched the movie "Chef" and yes, there are some nice food images that will make you hungry for a really good meal. It will make you want a Cubano sandwich in the worst way. It will make you happy.

All in all, a fine "feel good" movie and you know I am not usually a fan of that genre.  But a good cast, (Dustin Hoffman as a jerk?  Scarlett Johanssen with black hair, in a tight red dress?) good dialogue, some sentimentality, excellent music and, come on, all that food.  It isn't a movie you need to see on the big screen but why not?  Smuggle in some wine, a tasty snack in a Tupperware container and sit back and be entertained.  Walk out with a smile on your face and a need for a good food truck. Do yourself a favor and see it.  Tell me if you didn't like it.  It's not great but it's good.  Makes you want to get a little straw fedora. 

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