Sunday, October 12, 2014

How hot was it?

It was so hot the dogs wouldn't go for a walk. Not that I would have taken them, I am not foolish, but when I came home they ran into the backyard and stopped.  Stopped and turned around and came back in.  For a lark, I put their leashes on them and took them out the front door.  They got to the sidewalk and, in unison, turned around and walked back to the front door.  For creatures with brains the size of a walnut (or a small hazelnut, in Cooper's body), they knew it was too hot.

And hot it was. Driving home, the bank thermometer on Hwy. 12 at Mission read 116 degrees. Now, that particular thermometer is always dramatic.  It reads really high and really low all the time but I have NEVER seen it read that high. So maybe it was 98. Still, that's friggin hot.

Here's the strange thing.  I walked the dogs today 6:25 am to 7:10 am.  The weather was fine, tiny bit chilly, good for walking dogs in the dark. (And this darkness, well, hello my friend.  I am already lamenting the advent of the non-daylight savings time in a couple of weeks when it will be stupidly light and cheery at 6:25 am instead of the sultry and masked darkness we now have. Honestly, who needs DST any more?  Can't we just give it up?) 

However, after walking the dogs and then driving to Glen Ellen, I made a quick stop in Kenwood to drop off some leftover pizza at my brother's house (I know, TMI) and when I got out of the car I was slapped in the face by air that was at least ten degrees warmer than it was in Santa Rosa, a mere 12 miles away!  It was shockingly surprising (redundant) and I actually said out loud something like "holy shit, what's this all about?" and then I moved on, to Glen Ellen, to work.  I looked at the weather channel online, and I wasn't crazy!  It was 53 in Santa Rosa and 63 in Kenwood!  So bizarre.

Now it is 8:00 and it is still, according to 88 degrees in Santa Rosa and I can attest to that.  Thankfully, we have some cooler weather coming, like in the 70's which isn't all that cool.  OK, compared to 98 it is cooler.  And one of the employees at the hotel today had the audacity to say something like "... oh and it might rain on my day off, that sucks."  I wanted to slap that person and explain that rain = water and California needs water, isn't the word "drought" in your vocabulary?

I didn't.  But I might, soon.  Slap someone, that is.

Gosh, that's an entire term paper on today's temperature. But if you are reading this you should be rejoicing that I didn't report on my trip to Sacramento on Friday to see my Mom and how that went. Pee on the front seat of my car, that's how that went. I won't say more.  Except for this: I hope I either die before I get old or I move to Oregon and get the drugs that will let me leave this world in a clean, simple, peacefull way. Old is not nice.  Peeing your pants..... not nice. Not knowing who you are, not knowing where you are, not nice.

Go Giants.


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