Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cost differential in flannel pjs

First, thank you, Tom, for your sarcastic mourning over the red flannel pajamas.  Honestly, I was momentarily sad then got over it.  So should you!  (Or not, mourn away, my friend.  You saw those pjs more than anyone else I've known, so get down with it!)

OK, I went to TJ Max because it's a quarter mile from my house and they have tons of cheap stuff.  I found a pair of women's pj bottoms for $12.99.  That's fine.  But then I went to the men's section and found the EXACT SAME PAIR by the same maker, for $9.99!  What's with that?  Same flimsy flannel, same maker, just in men's sizes, which obviously use more material because men are usually bigger than women.  (In my case, not so much.)

It isn't the $3.00 differential that bugs me but the principle behind it. (They did have a big behind, I might add, more than even I needed.)  Why?  Is it because women will just pay more and men are cheap?  Of course I bought the men's version, saving that precious $3.00, and when I washed them they shrank about 3 inches in length.  (Hmm, I could say something here about things shrinking 3 inches in length, but I won't.)  Now they still have the big behind but they won't drag on the floor when I walk.

But I don't get the $$$ of the thing.  Doesn't matter, who cares, I don't.  I now have cozy light-weight flannel pj bottoms with a sagging behind to replace the red ones with deer.  These have no deer, no dogs, no moose, nothing except a subtle black and blue plaid pattern.  They're kind of nice, actually.

I know, a stupid post, but whatever. I was going to chat about the stupid peeps I work with but that's promoting bad workplace karma, so I chose a different path.  The Pajama Path. Deal with it.


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