Sunday, March 19, 2017

Here is why we read, those of us who are readers. Just please read this.

Today in the NY Times, this is one of the best editorials/articles I have read in a long time. Read it.  Read it out loud and tell me you don't get teary or get goosebumps or something.  Don't be put off by the word "Trump" in the title.  It is about reading far beyond the Trumpness of our world now. It is simply about why we read, why we should read, why we must read. To me, it is about my life in reading. Just read these two sentences:

But the most magical moments in reading occur not when I encounter something unknown but when I happen upon myself, when I read a sentence that perfectly describes something I have known or felt all along. I am reminded then that I am really no different from anyone else.

You know, now and then you come upon a truth, something that someone else has put on the page and you stop, you read it again, you shake your head in amazement that some stranger has captured, in a few words, what you think about all the time. This is one of those times.  

Read it and pass it on. Everyone knows someone who loves to read, to whom reading is almost a lifeline. Share this with that person.  We are really no different from anyone else and that needs to be shared. 

Love. Reading. Truth. Life.  

Another Paris photo.  If I had a photo of a book, this would be a good time to insert it, but I don't. So. Whatev. I would love to live on the boat on the right, the one with the garden patio area.  sigh.



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