Friday, July 7, 2017

Nectarine vinaigrette

My neighbor has a nectarine tree and she has been putting them out in a basket on the sidewalk.  They are small, red, really juicy and very delicious. They don't last long on the sidewalk (word has gotten out) and they don't last long in the kitchen either.  Especially if a person, like me, has taken a dozen of them and then three days later takes another ten, that person has a lot of nectarines that need to be eaten.

Cut them up, freeze them and add them to your smoothie with a dollop of unflavored yogurt.  Great lunch.

Eat them at the kitchen sink, juice running down your arm, makes you feel virtuous.  And happy.

Grill them.  If it's not too hot, sprinkle with some streuselly topping and bake them.

Make a vinaigrette:  toss a couple of them into the blender, pit removed, of course, duh.  Whirl up until they are liquid, add some white wine vinegar, whirl again, drizzle in some good olive oil until it emulsifies and is the thickness you want.  Add salt and pepper, and that's it.  It is delicious.  I just made a salad with some peppery arugula, a nectarine cut in small bits, same with a cuke and a few snap peas that I am growing in my front yard of weeds.  So, so good. In fact, I am considering having the same thing, but in a larger size, for dinner.  Maybe add a piece of salmon......

Tastes like summer!  I will be disappointed when her nectarines are gone, but for now I have a half pint of their lovely pinkish vinaigrette, seducing me to eat more salad.


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