Sunday, February 25, 2018

"The Heirs" by Susan Rieger

After reading dozens of books that were mediocre, I have finally come across several that have been very good. The best has been "A Gentleman in Moscow" but a couple others have crossed over the line from "meh" to "alrighty then!"

"The Heirs" is basically a sweeping story of a family and their hidden secrets, not a new spin on any kind of genre but so well put together and edgy that you can't stop reading it. It's like having a bag of See's Candy Bridge Mix in the cupboard.....  you want one more bite, one more piece just to see what you get this time.  A chocolate covered raisin or a caramel?  Each bite is delicious and different.

A family  in New York, successful but with so many secrets that are not even hinted at until one of the family dies. Even then the secrets stay hidden because why rock the boat? Why throw mud into the perfect living room just because someone says it should be done?  The secrets aren't the point.  The point is how the family deals with shame and lies and the troubling honesty it takes to keep together, to keep the family united.

It's a very well done story and even if you don't like all the characters you will like the tale. You will come to understand the love and respect that each family member has for the other, even if they don't always agree. And isn't that the way families all roll? You love your family, even when it drives you close to the brink.

Check out "The Heirs" if you get a chance.  It's an easy read and a handful of crazy family.

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