Whatever it is, it hasn't been a good three weeks for written reflection. Suffice it to say that you, dear reader, have not missed anything. I have seen no good movies, read nothing extraordinary, cooked anything worth talking about except a cherry clafouti made with buttermilk that was damned tasty. (My neighbor has a cherry tree; I have a lot of cherries right now.)
Last week was spent at Jenn and Dar's place in Guerneville, watching the house and dogs while they were on vacation. House sitting is a strange thing: since it is not your home but since you still have to carry on with your every day life, it isn't like being on vacation but it does induce a slothful frame of mind. "Hey, it's not my house, I don't need to clean the floor." I had a five minute commute to work, which was nice. There is a pool there which was delightful on those roasting hot days when I got home from work. Dar is the operation manager for a high-end Sonoma winery so there was no end of good wine to drink. An old friend came from Grass Valley for a visit, I hadn't seen Kara in several years, so that was a treat. And Dar left her Jeep for me drive, open air, bouncy as hell and such fun.
Now I have Hannah, Gabe and Annie's dog. (June is my month of dogs, it seems.) Hannah is a sweet, lovely, neurotic girl who stands by my bed at 6:45 and sings to me, trying to entice me to get out of bed. (She sounds like Chewbacca from the Star Wars movies.) Hannah has "special" food like real ground beef and canned pumpkin for her digestion. Cooper loves when Hannah stays over because it means he gets something other than plain dry food.
That's all. (See, I told you it was a boring life.) I will write again soon and maybe I will have something more to say than the above drivel. Thanks for tuning in.

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