Saturday, January 1, 2022

Yeah, yeah, the holidays

 There's nothing to say about the holidays because my holidays are not your holidays and so my report would be boring and of little interest to anyone else. At least that's what I think. Who wants to read or listen about someone else's traditions?  It's fine for a few minutes and then your attention drifts because, honestly, what one person loves is often dull and moronic to someone else.  Why would anyone care if I love to eat fresh crab with my kids on Christmas Eve? Everyone I know and love already knows that's what I do, so writing about it is trite. Doing nothing for New Year's Eve is what pretty much everyone does so there's nothing new about that. 

However, one thing that was rather nice was spending two nights in a lovely hotel in Mendocino, courtesy of John and Diane, with the kids and all our dogs. I don't know anyone else who gets to do that. It was a great start to a slow, plodding holiday season. I could go back and do it again tomorrow.

Not to be depressing but a lot of famous people died in the last two weeks, something that doesn't often happen in Holiday Time.  Most important to me was Joan Didion, probably my favorite writer. I have been reading her essays and books for about 50 years and will start re-reading them for the fourth or fifth or tenth time. John Madden also died; I am not even a mediocre football fan but I did like Madden. He at least made commentary fun. He seemed like a nice man, too.

Betty White died, she was funny and silly and a lot of people were big fans of hers. Stephen Sondheim also left us, as did Desmond Tutu and Bob Dole.  And still thousands died of Covid.  December deaths are not what one thinks about when the word "holiday" comes up but there you have it.  

Bottom line, I hope you all had a great, exciting, dramatic and profitable holiday season. Now we are done with it all, just need to pack away the few xmas ornaments that were taken out to create some kind of holiday cheer and that will be that. 

Ho-Ho. Hum.

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