Saturday, April 9, 2022

A single moment of beauty

 The sun shines on spider web strings (actually called "draglines") all the time but this morning was the first time I've seen those single line webs glow iridescently.  It was early in the morning, the sun was still low in the sky, and there were dozens of single lines from tree to tree. They were like small rainbows, changing in color from blue to red to yellow as they moved in the breeze and caught the sunlight.  I cannot explain how incredibly beautiful these simple little spider strings were, shifting from one color to the next, iridescent, glowing. Line after line, one at a time. Each single line of spider string had its own color show happening and seeing so many of them all at once was a kind of light show in and of itself. My words can't do it justice, but it was mesmerizing. 

It's amazing, isn't it, that nature and the earth still manage to surprise us with such beauty? Something that could only be seen at that single spot, at that one moment, with the sun at that particular angle?  

Even in a world that has such ugliness and hate, if we pay attention we can sometimes find that small moment of beauty.  Be on the lookout for it. Be surprised. Be grateful.

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