Saturday, September 23, 2023

Half-and-half vs CREAM

Trivial, yes, but why does half-and-half even exist? What is the purpose of this stuff?  Yes, most people buy it to put in their coffee, but that's it.  It is a one-use product. What else in your refrigerator has only one use? Probably nothing. Everything else can be used alone or mixed with something else to create a new kind of taste treat or piled on top of a sandwich or put into an omelet or licked off of a spoon or spread on toast or so many other things. But h-and-h has only one use: to make your coffee taste less harsh. And you know what works so much better?  Real CREAM!  Yes, cream. A tiny dash makes your coffee taste richer and indulgent but it doesn't dilute your coffee.  If the cream is too much, you can mix it with regular milk and make your own h-and-h but why bother?

Cream has so many uses, a small container of it should be in your fridge at all times.  With cream you can have a biscuit in the oven in two minutes without all the bother of chopping in cold butter. With cream you can make a butterscotch sauce (with butter and brown sugar) that takes six minutes, start to finish and there is no way h-and-h can do that.  A tablespoon of cream into a bowl of soup makes that soup luscious without a ton of calories. Two tablespoons can be added to a pasta dish and transform that dish from good to excellent. If one is feeling particularly indulgent (or sad and needs a lift) cream can be used to make a sauce all on its own because once it boils down, it thickens and turns light golden. Pour that over sautéed chicken breast or a sautéed pork cutlet with some sautéed mushrooms and you are in heaven.

If you are a h-and-h aficionado, then ignore my advice.  I know that it can be used in making some sauces and is good in..... maybe mashed potatoes, but cream is better, in my opinion. But hey, just my opinion.  I could be wrong.

But you cannot make this with h-and-h, just saying:


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