Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Keen Wa

OK, it's quinoa, but sounds like keen wa.  Whatever. I eat a fair amount of this stuff, it's good protein, it's cheap and quick.  But I have discovered something:  do not add avocado to it.  Somehow the quinoa absorbs the avocado.  I added a nice half of avo to a bowl of quinoa, with some veggies and a little vinaigrette.  I put it in the fridge to chill, came back and stirred it and the avocado was not to be found!  And the quinoa had expanded in size.  Sort of like the Blob, (remember the movie with Steve McQueen?) which absorbed things in its path and got bigger and bigger.  I sat on my red couch and ate my dinner but almost expected to see a huge mound of quinoa turn the corner, having expanded out of its bowl, eating anything alive in its path.  That did not happen, but I am not sure it still won't. 

I honestly don't trust quinoa.  Is it a vegetable, is it a grain, is it natural substance?  Yes, it's a source of protein, it's cheap, it takes on any flavor you want to give it, (sort of like an alien taking on any life form) and supposedly it's Organic!  But even Wikipedia says it's a "chenopod" and if that word doesn't give you pause, I don't know what will.  To eat a chenopod..... well, it should take a leap of faith but no, we willing stooges just pluck those boxes of Q (i.e. boxes of chenopods)  off Trader Joe's shelves and hurry home to boil it and eat it.  We are eating chenopods!  The "pod" part of the name is scary, and we should be wary.  (hmm, a little rhyme there,)

However, I might be distrustful but I am not yet afraid, I will persevere,  I will continue to eat my Q. At least until it swells from the cooking pot, rolls across the floor and eats Cooper.  At that point I might have to question it's value to me and to mankind.  Until that day, good eats.

I added a few extra photos that I couldn't resist, after the Q.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the extra photos! It's nice to see BeBe, Cooper and Sam while reading your blog. :)
