Monday, May 7, 2012

Nothing much

I have been reminded by a few people that I have written nothing in almost two weeks.  That is no way to keep people interested in my silly life,  but honestly, I have nothing to say. It seems I am in a state of ennui, or lethargy, or simply not reacting to what is going on around me.  I think I have the opposite of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder.)  Many people get depressed in the winter when the days are short and the nights long, when the sun doesn't shine and it is gloomy.  I fear that all this sunshine and warmth and spring-like happiness is wearing me down.  Perhaps another disorder is afflicting me, something like NERD (Not Enough Rain Disorder.)  I wish it was raining.  That might make me a NERD.

But that discounts the fact that I love walking around in my Santa Rosa neighborhood, which is full of blooming roses and irises and wisteria, lilacs and various daisies and dozens more gorgeous flowering plants.  The air smells heavy with scents from these plants and bees are vibrating the air and it is lovely.  When I am walking the dog, I am happy to be living in this area.  When I am sitting in my backyard, enjoying the peonies and the other flowers, I am quite content.  So I don't know where this malaise is coming from.

Listening to an NPR interview the other day, the interviewee said, about where he lived, "I can't imagine living anywhere else."  (I think he was in rural Mississippi.)  As often as I have heard that phrase, I was shocked that someone would not, on a regular basis, imagine living somewhere else.  I spend a good part of my day imagining living somewhere else.  I read a story about something in Montana and I imagine living there.  Or Savannah, Georgia.  Or Paris, Rome, Lisbon. Anywhere.  Imagining living all over the world takes up a lot of space in my mind.  Maybe that's a problem.

So, this is the blog for today.  Restless and yet not unhappy, a little sad but not unduly so, a bit disappointed but without a reason to be.

Thanks for reading. 

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome. Thanks for writing. BTW I finished State of Wonder.
