Monday, October 29, 2012


What can one say about the four game sweep that hasn't already been said?  Nothing.  It was, as has already been reported, exciting, fun, dramatic, satisfying and awesome.  And more.

On watching the last two games:  not having broadcast TV and not getting enough of a baseball fix via the radio, I walked over to the closest local bar to watch games 3 and 4.  What fun!  Saturday night was surprisingly not crowded, but the two guys I sat next to were interesting and fun to chat with.  The Manhattans were delicious and were only $4 each, a bargain!  Good game, fun and not expensive.  Last night was a little busier, at least in the early innings.  By the last innings it was really hopping, and lots of fist bumps, lots of high fives, lots of baseball talk.  Even if you didn't love the Giants, you had to love good baseball, and we got that.  At the end of the game there was a lot of screaming, a lot of hugging strangers and lots of shots bought by everyone......  I enjoyed two glasses of wine during the game and two shots of Jack in the three minutes after the game and ducked out of there before I could get in serious trouble.

There are few things more enjoyable than watching the World Series in a bar with strangers.  With your friends there is always the subtext of what's going on with each other and the concentration just isn't there.  In the bar, with the express purpose of Watching The Game, there is no personal chat except during commercials and that is usually baseball related.  Bottom line, you don't have to talk if you don't want to and no one cares.  But you can talk a little and learn tidbits about the team or the game and it's nice.  And celebrating a victory with people who mean nothing to you except that they are very big team fans is, honestly, a thrill.

Go Giants!  What a ride!


1 comment:

  1. I soooooo wish I was in the bar with you. Watching at home was fun, but it is always more fun when watching with people who are in to it just as much as you are!!
