Thursday, November 1, 2012

Unemployment insurance woes

The most frustrating day:  when I was last receiving unemployment benefits in the summer of 2011, EDD switched from issuing checks to issuing Bank of America debit cards.  I received such a card for my last unemployment check, used it and threw it away.  BAD IDEA!  It turns out that you are supposed to keep those cards for three years, a fact I never knew until today. 
It seems that the card I tossed out is now the card I need to actually get any unemployment from the government.  I found all this out by listening to a taped message about the debit cards, which is astounding to me that you have to go through about ten steps to even get to that message.

Of course, the only address Bank of America has on file for me for that card is the address I was using last year, the address of my son in Daly City.  B of A won't allow me to get the card because of that address.  Never mind that EDD has my current Santa Rosa address, B of A doesn't care about that.  I have to call EDD and explain this to them and have them contact B of A to change the address.  In the meantime, I get no benefits.

I called EDD at least a dozen times today and every time, after going through the phone tree over and over, I got to the message "Due to the high call volume, we cannot assist you at this time.  Please call back.  Good-by."  It takes  more than four minutes to get to this message and you can't bypass any of the steps or the system hangs up on you.  So I spent at least an hour just making the same call over and over.  I also spent 30 minutes on the phone with B of A, trying to get my money.  They will, of course, wire it to me via Western Union for a $25 fee, but come on, that's my friggin money, why do I need to pay to get it?  So I will begin calling again tomorrow at 8:00, when EDD starts answering the phone again.

Bottom line is  this: I was let go by the owners of the inn almost six weeks ago.  I have had no income in that time and the small amount of unemployment insurance I will  supposedly be getting isn't even enough to pay the rent, but I can't even get my hands on that. Am I pissed off?  You betcha.  Am I pissed off at more than just EDD?  Yes.  Frustrated?  Oh, most certainly.  

That's all.


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