Saturday, December 28, 2013

Now what?

Thank you to everyone who has been asking about the blog.  After being in a foreign country and seeing new things and being excited to share my observations of it all, the current state of "being at home" holds little or no relevance right now.  In other words, there just isn't anything to write about.

Yes, there are the holidays.  Yes, there is the end of the year.  Yes, there is the job.  None of these things inspire me to sit down and type about them.  Nothing about these things is new or exciting or even very interesting.  So I find myself in a conundrum: I want to write but it seems forced or silly or pointless.

If I was Jon Carroll, writing a column for the SF Chronicle, I could definitely spin something about how the two dogs that live with me today unwrapped and ate an entire box of dog cookies while Jenn and I were at our respective jobs.  Carroll writes about his cats, dogs would be fair game.  But who wants to read about wayward dogs?  Or I could spin a good story about people at the hotel, some craziness that happened there over the holidays, but it's too trite for words.  And on and on.

When I came home from Vietnam it was late on a Monday, so effectively a Tuesday.  A week later it was Tuesday and Christmas Eve.  A few days from now it will be the end of the year. Maybe the thing to do is to wait until January 1st, let the rest of this year rot away and not talk about it.  Because, honestly, other than the trip to Vietnam, crab and champagne for Christmas Eve with the kids and some interaction with a few friends throughout the year, it has been a year of petulant mediocrity. Maybe I should read some of this year's past blogs, see if they sound as whining as I think they would.  Yes, I read some really good books and saw some really good movies and ate some delicious food and drank a few bottles of excellent wine and whiskey and was dazzled a couple of times by extraordinary sunrises and was almost awed by the power of nature and yes, I laughed a lot, was healthy, logged probably more than 500 miles (hmmm, I should get a pedomter for 2014) walking the dogs, moved into a bigger house, won $11 in the lottery, had a couple of nice road trips, but really, nothing much happened.

But I guess some things did.  Right now they feel small and insignificant.  Let me ruminate upon them and try and uncover their significance and I will get back to you.  Soon.

I promise.  And just so you know, I bought a lottery ticket tonight. It's my early NY resolution: buy one every Saturday. I have committed to all the charities I support that I will give at least 10% of my winnings (over $100) to those charities and I mean it.  So I have a lot of saints and good karma causes behind me in my Lottery Winning Quest and I intend to win at least one big one this year.  (Big meaning anything over $10,000 but I would readily tone that down to $1,000 if it increased my odds.)  I just want enough money to pay the rent for a month or two, or buy a new computer or take my daughter and brother Steve out to dinner.  Small things.

As the song says, "wishing and hoping, planning and scheming..."

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