Sunday, February 23, 2014

An actual day off....

The schedule I have for work is crazy and it seems to change every week or two.  There are three of us at the front desk, two shifts a day, so 14 shifts in the two week period.  Three does not go evenly into 14 so we are all bounced around, morning to afternoon, three or four days in a row or, in my case, usually six days in a row and then a day off. Every two weeks I am supposed to get two days off in a row but because we switch shifts when necessary, that happens rarely.  Add to that the fact that for the past month I have been helping out a friend with his business while he was on a much needed vacation.  Thus any day I have had off since mid January was still spent working.

But right now I have two days off.  In a row.  It is rather odd, actually, to have no obligations so I created some chores for myself (clean off my card-table "desk", do some laundry, clean out the fridge) but I don't really have to do them if I don't want. So far I have spent the six hours I have been awake reading, mostly, and drinking really good coffee.  The coffee has not made me jumpy or even lively. In fact, I could probably go back to bed and go back to sleep. Maybe that's a sign: maybe I am tired!

My hotel job isn't difficult, but it is time consuming, as all day jobs are.  I also am the de facto dog walker here at home, and that takes up at least 90 minutes of my non-working day.  Like almost everyone who has a regular job, I always run out of time at the end of the day or I am left with such a small swatch of free time that I shrug and use it by reading or staring off into space or watching something on TV or cooking dinner. Therefore, on a day like this, when I can do anything I want, I am not familiar with doing nothing.

But that's my goal of the day!  Today I am doing nothing much.  I sort of cleaned off my "desk" and I am making some stock on the stove because I had some duck bones that had to get used up.  That's it. I have decided that I am not even going to cook dinner. If I am hungry, I am going out. I am going to be a total slacker today. Read, watch a movie via Roku, nap, open a good bottle of wine, perhaps walk the dogs later today.  That's it. It's a day off.  I like it. I could get use to this. 


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