Wednesday, July 8, 2015

With hesitation I say this: I have a roommate!

Yes, it seems I have a roommate!  I am sort of holding my breath, not really waiting for her to change her mind but this whole process has been so ....  fraught with weirdness, so even typing this might incur the Curse of the Roommate Karma Gods.  But I don't think so, she liked the house and the landlords approved her and she seems happy about this outcome.

I won't give you any details other than she is my age minus a year, which is so much better (for me) than a 20-something student.

That's all for now. I am going to have another tiny delicious Margarita in my small, quiet celebratory way, make a salad and watch something strange on TV.  I will fill you in on the details as they become solidified.


And thanks, all of you who read this, for hanging in there, reading this, following along, projecting your good thoughts out into the universe for me.  As you know, I recently just sort of waved my hands at all of this, let it go, asked my universal friends to help out, stopped worrying about it and finally the tiles aligned and things clicked and it seems good. 



  1. Yeh! WooHoo! May the Roommate Karma Gods remove all curses and now, having proven your "roommate search" skill, fortitude, persistence, tenacity, and patience, never curse you again.

    1. Oh, yes, may that curse be lifted. Never mind, oh, Karma Gods, that I curse all the time, just leave the roommate out of this. Let it be. Hoping for the best.
