Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Oh gosh, so much to say, so little to say. Whatever

Seriously, if you were roped into reading this posting by that title, I apologize right now. There is little to say, you can just click that little back arrow and leave it alone.  Oh, wait, before you do, oh......  OK, you are gone.  Well, too bad for you, loser, quitter, giver-upper.  You are missing a blog post that could out-blog any blogger in blogdom.  Or probably not but you won't know that because you already left the building!  HA! 

When you do a blog like this, there is a list of all the postings you have ever written, of course, like a very sad bibliography of your blogging life, which even saying that phrase "blogging life" is sort of creepy.  But, hey, back to the list.  I never look at it, the list, but just now I scrolled through a couple of years of posts because I didn't want to re-use a posting title. (Oh, the horror of that!  Really, who would even  notice?  I wouldn't have, and so you would never have known either, right?  Duh.)  

But here is the REALLY GREAT THING that I discovered: in that list it tells you how many people have read each blog post. Usually when I glance at it (it comes up when you start to write a new blog post) it will show that maybe 4 people read a particular blog or 6 or 9.  I don't care, really, I write for myself.  But today, as I scrolled down the list, looking for that title I was thinking of using, I saw a couple of postings that had 63 or 71 or 73 viewers!  What is that about! Who are these goofheads who read this stuff?  And why?  None of those multiple-viewer posts had anything in common, so I was elated and then stymied.  And that's where I am now with it, so we are moving on.

The Mom thing:  (feel free to skip ahead.)  Mom lives in an independent living place, has her own apartment but they provide two meals a day, of which she partakes. (She has never cooked a meal in her kitchen. Barely heats up anything in the microwave.)  But she has fallen a lot lately and thus we worry about her and thus we have been looking for a board-and-care home for her.

Now, I don't know if you all out there know about all the differences between retirement homes, board-and-care, assisted living, blah, blah. Unless you have an old person to deal with, you don't need to know. (Well, that's not true... you, reader, need to know FOR YOURSELF!  Yes, you will get old, you will need either the Black Pill or care. Think about it and learn.)  Assisted living is too expensive (and too huge and impersonal) for us to use.  Board-and-care are homes set up to deal with old peeps who can sort of get around but need more monitoring than independent living. We visited many (previous posts will attest) and Mom visited some with us and most she hated.  I hated them as well.  Lovely new home, sterile, cold, inmates residents were silently staring into their own souls, no communication.  My mother needs attention like a squirrel needs nuts, so silent and sterile wasn't going to cut it.

But last Friday I saw a few that would work and today one of my brothers took Mom to the one I liked and !!!  Mom actually liked it!  The owner hugged her as she walked in (always the way to win an old lady's heart) and it is nice and bright and homey.  Mom is moving in within the week.
We siblings are relieved.  

OK, enough of that.  

Can we say enough about the rain today?  We cannot.  It seems odd to have water falling out of the sky but we are lifting our faces up to it and laughing like kids. It feels good. No, it won't last but on my way home from work today, the weather people were reporting, with such joy and hope in their radio voices, that the rain was falling directly on the Valley Fire.  I haven't checked the updates of that fire but we all hope it helps.  Seriously.

There is a wonderful Carl Sandburg poem that I say to myself when fires are close. It's the only poem I know by heart:  Fire and Ice.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice. 
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if I had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction
Ice is also great
And would suffice.


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