Sunday, September 13, 2015

Several things, to catch up

First, a few books:  "Coming of Age at the End of Days" by Alice LaPlante, a story of a young girl who gets involved in a kind of cult about the End of Days. Sort of a coming of age story, as the title tells us.  It's a fast read but I wouldn't go out of my way to get it unless you saw it on the library shelf. Parts are good, the last third was better than the first two thirds, but hey, I finished it, so that says something. 

"The New Neighbor" by Leah Stewart.  Sort of the same thing (fast read, no need to put it on your list unless you see it on the shelf)  but less cultist creepy.  Two women who are neighbors forge a shaky friendship but there is something about each one that remains a secret.  The reader eventually finds out those secrets but really, you don't care that much for either character, so why bother.

Second, update about Mom. (I know most of you don't even know her but it is cathartic for me to write about it.)  I spent my day off, Friday, in Sacramento, in 108 degree heat, looking at board-and-care places for Mom.  She is simply too unstable to stay where she is (an independent living place) and so she needs to be somewhere less independent.  The places I visited were, for the most part, quite nice.  Very friendly managers, immaculate, engaged residents who didn't have that 100 yard stare.  But it is so frightening for Mom, and why wouldn't it be?  At 95 she will be moved out of her home and put somewhere else with strangers, and she gets to have very little say in it all. No one would like that.  It was a difficult day and a difficult conversation with Mom. 

Third, yesterday I spent 7 hours grilling burgers, dogs, chicken and portobellos over mesquite wood out at Duncan Mills (near Jenner) for the Gay Rodeo.  Yes, there is such a thing.  It wasn't as hot as it could have been and, while very exhausting and dirty, it was fun.  It's always fun hanging out with gay men and women.  Odd conversation abounded. There were discussions about boobs (lesbians were in favor, men not so much), about penises (men and me were in favor, lesbians not so much), about gay men's facial hair (me not in favor, no one else cared).  There were hot words exchanged about grilling techniques and at the same time cool praise for the same techniques.  Beer was consumed. It was quite fun although I smelled like a smoked brisket by the end of the day.  All for the cause of a fund-raiser, and I am always up for that. 

I think that is all for now.  I just consumed a delicious tequila sour (tequila, simple syrup, meyer lemon juice) and I think I will have another. Late shift tomorrow, I can sleep in a bit, maybe until 7:00 am!  

over and out.


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