So that leads to the question: in their down time, what goes on in their minds? Do they think in images or sounds or smells? Do dogs ruminate on past experiences (i.e. do they remember stuff) or are their minds purely in the present tense, only harkening back to training when necessary or prompted?
In other words, what is going on in those pea-sized brains when they are not looking at us longingly or anxiously or happily? When they want a cookie, what do they see in their mind's eye or do they see anything other than a picture of a cookie? Is it any shape of a cookie or just one they are most familiar with? Do they imagine a chicken leg being handed to them or a fat, juicy steak and are they then disappointed when they get a tiny, dried morsel of pressed stuff called a dog biscuit? Do they long for a real biscuit with butter or chicken gravy? (Well, hell yes they do, I long for a real biscuit with chicken gravy almost every day!) When they appear to be staring at the wall are they perhaps rolling film of a past day, a former romp in the sun, and if so, does that make them happy or sad or am I reaching too far here and anthropomorphizing them too much? Quite possible, of course.
Obviously I need to do some internet research on this and find out what the experts say. I will do so and I will report back. If you are a dog owner, stay tuned. If you are a cat owner, I can't help you..... do your own research. Cats don't think about biscuits, and that is sad for them.

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