For some reason, perhaps my advance age, I am a little nervous about this trip. I cannot put my finger on why, I have been to France many times and am comfortable there, even with no command of the language. Yes, there are street riots in Paris right now but I can avoid those. Yes, it is more dangerous to travel now than ever before but that doesn't worry me. Maybe it's just that my mind seems less focused lately and I fear I will do something stupid, like leave my luggage somewhere and walk away or lose my passport (been there, done that) or simply act like an old lady. (Which I am quickly becoming.)
But maybe the opposite will happen: everything will go smoothly and I will have an amazing vacation! That is certainly a possibility. Maybe it's just the getting ready to leave that is making me anxious, packing, prepaying bills, cleaning up the house, all that crap.
I am fairly certain that when I get to the airport tomorrow all the pre-vacation jitters will be gone. By then there is nothing to do but get on the plane and let the anxiety go, have a cocktail, read and fall asleep and wake up in a foreign land. That's my plan, anyway.
I will attempt to continue this blog using a borrowed iPad, trying to connect it to foreign websites and we will see how that goes. (I have little confidence in my skills regarding using new devices, of which the iPad is to me.) If you hear from me, then great! It worked! If not, then boo, I am too lame to figure it out.
Au revoir to you all for a few days but tune in on Thursday or Friday and see if I have anything to say.

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