But trying to compose something salient and relatively personal while in an environment that does not please me only makes me want to write mean and whining things. (The redwood trees do please me but overall it's just a job site.) No one wants to read another whining monologue about my sad life lament. Read the headlines of any newspaper in the world and you can see that so much of the population would cut off a couple of toes to be working here.
Sometimes things come down to one word: Money. That is why I work and why I cannot retire anytime soon. There just is not enough money in my future to allow that to happen. It depresses me somewhat, especially since I am now at the age of retirement and so many of my peers have already retired or are planning on it very soon.
I had drinks with some friends the other night and one woman basically said I should be doing whatever it was I loved to do which is, in no way, working at a fancy "hotel." I countered with "and how would that make any financial sense since the thing I love to do is travel and see new countries and explore the world?" She was insistent for a few minutes that there were ways out there to do it, such as create a tour business in some foreign city, or become a travel writer or some other thing that I have already considered. But without a grasp on a foreign language and with the physical restrictions that come with being in one's late 60's and without financial capital to start a new business in some travel capacity and on and on, how could I make that work? It wasn't that I was deliberately trying to be negative but I simply HATE it when someone tells me "do what you love and the money will come!" From where? Heaven? The lottery? The kindness of strangers? Life does not work that way.
In the end, I should have done what my brother tells me all the time: I should have picked a profession that would have provided a pension.
Instead I am surrounded by young people in their mid 20's, working for not much more than minimum wage, too old to start a new career and not decrepit enough to qualify for any kind of long-term disability. So work continues.
Thanks for listening. Below, a photo of my work location. Gotta love those trees!

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