Wednesday, January 20, 2021

New Font?

 Is there anyone out there who reads this that might like a larger font? Like this one? Maybe it's just my eyes but everything seems smaller these days, with some exceptions, of course.  (Like my belly, for example, it never seems smaller. Not even a little.)

But since only two or three people actually read this blog on a semi-regular basis, maybe it doesn't matter. If it does, please let me know. I know it would matter to me because anything to make reading easier (other than getting large type books which I hate) would work for me.

So me know if any of the two or three of you have an opinion. I am happy to change it up. When I go to the blog site and look at it, it seems like this size is WAY BETTER than the smaller size. But again, could just be me.

Thanks for your input. If you can't figure out how to comment on the blog site and if you really want to chime in on this, email me at and give me your opinion there. Or at any other email address you might have because I have lots of them.



  1. Hmm. It's your blog. Go with the font that suits you best. I can read both:) I hate the large type books too. Obviously I am conflicted about this large type issue. Sigh.
