Monday, February 22, 2021

Kindness? Yes, Please.

George Saunders is not an easy writer to understand. While I enjoyed many of the stories in his collection "Tenth of December" I didn't enjoy "Lincoln in the Bardo" although I really wanted to. I tried. But failed.

However, I came across a blog from a NYT writer who referenced Saunders' address to a graduating class at Syracuse University in 2013. The address is mostly about kindness and how difficult it can be to achieve it.  And this was more than 7 years ago, when Obama was still President, when we didn't have that stupid POTUS who just left Washington, when there was no pandemic, no children still separated from parents at the border, when unemployment was bad but not as bad as it is now. As dire as things were in 2013,  there was a little hope in the world.  Now, even with the change in the administration, it is difficult to find hope and solace and kindness is definitely in short supply.

The link below has the transcript of Saunders' address and I encourage you to read it. It is short but obviously thoughtful and more important now than ever.

Show some kindness.  Please.

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