Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ah, California!

I was out of blog contact for a couple of days, basking in the cool air of California, specifically Daly City and SF.  I flew home to help out my 91 year old mother for a few days, see some friends and take a break from the oppressive heat here in Texas.  It reinforced my need to get back to the coast.

The forecast for this part of Texas hi another ten days (at least) of triple digit temperatures.  Sad.  Very sad. I am aiming to leave Texas by the end of August, destination unknown.  My unemployment benefits are about finished and it is therefore very important to find a job as soon as I can.  That's my goal but since the other 2 million out of work in California have the same goal, I am not anticipating it will be easy.  But I am hopeful. 


1 comment:

  1. Yeah... probably a good thing though really. The relative nature of any perspective isn't really real until some sort of extreme is experienced. Whether it's the weather or something else. (Makes me think I've still got a lot of extremes to visit. Although part of me is still afraid of what appreciations will keep growing...)

    On the last comment, people used to say I looked like a really young Niels Bohr. (Just with a lot less o' the brains.) It made me look him up a few times, and my favorite quote from him was "How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress." Hopeful is good.
