Monday, August 8, 2011

Responding to this blog

Several people have asked how to respond to this blog directly and I must admit it isn't an easy process.  The easiest way is to have a gmail account, which is free, of course.  Then you can just click on the comment link at the bottom of the post, sign on to your gmail account and post a comment that way.  You still have to click a couple of times on various things but the comment will get posted.

If you don't have a gmail account you then have to do some other things to log in and I don't know what they are so I am no help there.  Sorry.

Alternatively, you can email me directly at either  or  

But please, DO NOT feel you have to respond.  Ever.  I am just grateful that three or four people actually read this, I do not expect people to respond.  In the end, I write it for myself anyway, and if someone reads it along the way and enjoys it, all the better.  And if you don't enjoy it, don't read it!  Simple!

OK, that's all. 


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