Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I haven't written too many posts lately, mainly because everything I would write about seems either seasonal (Happy Holidays!  Joy!  Shopping! Debt!) or trivial (the weather, the mind-numbing aspects of my jobs) or sad (the unemployed, the disenfranchised, politics.)  I am not one who gets worked up over the holiday season and we all are tired of talking about the lack of rain and really, Newt for President?  See, nothing worth mentioning.

But then again, it is worth mentioning over and over that especially at this time of the year we all need to take our joy and love where we can find it and we need to give it back whenever we can.  God, that sounds so unlike me, it almost makes me puke.  However, you know what I mean.  Small children (other people's small children) are good to have around this time of the year because until they are 4 or 5  years old they really get excited about the holidays.  After that, forgetaboutit, they are as consumed with consumerism as a teenager.  But to watch a kid stare at a Christmas tree in awe or rip open a two dollar gift, that's something to watch.

Baking cookies and bread: nothing lifts one's spirits like the smell of nutmeg and cinnamon, baking bread, toasted nuts.  Cook something good and eat it, or give it away and let someone else's cholesterol levels rise.  At least you get to fill your house with good smells.

Being nice:  it's difficult to do at this time of the year exactly because of this time of year.  Too much traffic, too many people wanting something of you, too much money going out the window on needless gifts if you aren't careful.  That doesn't matter, really, you can still be nice to those around you and try and be cheery. At least for an hour or two in the next week.  Smile. It doesn't hurt too much, just a little now and then.

Slothfulness:  I am a big fan of this virtue vice in the winter. It's OK to hang out in your pajamas on Christmas morning (or eve) and do nothing but drink hot coffee til 10:00 am and then hot cider and eat those baked goods.  (see above) And watch some schmaltzy holiday thing on TV like "A Christmas Story" or a good family movie like "Reservoir Dogs."  (just kidding about that one. about the family part, at least.)  Anything to get you into the spirit of being lazy for a couple of hours.  It is also the perfect time to drink a little white wine or eggnog with brandy or eat some of that See's Candy you didn't ask for but silently coveted and now can't refuse.

Finally, family:  whether it's the family you were born with or the family you created along the way, the holidays were made for sharing nasty tales about the past with friends and family, sharing decent bottles of wine, sharing good food, laughing and crying at the movies you watch while being slothful.  Sharing life's bizarre and beautiful moments with people you can sort of relate to while wearing crappy, comfortable clothes is what it's all about.

That's my list of how to make the holidays better:  kids, baked goods, smiling, laziness and friends and family.  Throw in a little whiskey, some crab and champagne, a dog with fake reindeer ears and that might be as good as it gets.  At least for this year.

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