Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tree, Texas, Christmas and Damn Good Bread

In Texas with Jenn for a couple of days, actually flying home later today.  It was a delightful time, partly because we bought a xmas tree and decorated it and it is so, so lovely.  It has been a while since I got to sit and stare at a tree for a couple of days in a row.  Nice, very nice.  Texas is, of course, just like I left it at the beginning of September, only a bit colder, days are in the 40's, nights much lower. But still a land of fast food, slow people and the Christian right. 

Baking smells are wafting up the stairs right now, there is Damn Good Bread in the oven and it smells..... well, it smells damn good. I will leave it for Jenn, a little something to remember me by for the next couple of days.  (In return, I stole some of her oatmeal cookies out of the freezer, already stashed them in my suitcase.  She has no idea of this treachery, and I have no intention of telling her!) 

All in all, a great visit.  Cheap airfares may allow me to return in late January when there may be snow on the ground.  Bottom line, it is always good to get out of town, and even better to get out of town and see one's kid!

Adios, more tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. You didn't have to STEAL cookies. I would have gladly even packaged them for you! Thanks for everything mom. BeBe is bummed you aren't here anymore. She actually was so upset with me that she destroyed about 15 ornaments from the tree last night while I was at work. Needless to say, I am staying home with her today instead of going to the basketball game. I love you. LTBT! Come back soon!!!
