Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Bourne Legacy" movie review

Don't worry, no spoilers here, just a short paragraph. I rarely see movies the week they come out, there are usually too many crowds for me.  But Steve convinced me to go and lo! and behold!  no crowd! 

It's a good action movie.  There is the requisite long chase scene with cars and buses and motorcycles.  There is a great deal of talk about stuff that seems rather obscure but you don't really have to follow it.  A lot of the dialogue seems meant to delineate the bad guys from the good guys, so as long as you get who's who, you're OK.  I liked Matt Damon better than Jeffrey Renner, but Renner isn't trying to be Jason Bourne, just a Bourne-like clone-ish guy.  (I could say a born-again, clownish guy but that wouldn't be fair and not relevant but I had to throw it in there.)  For a Saturday afternoon, it's worth watching.

See, no spoilers.


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