Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Something else

I took the dog for a thirty minute walk this morning and I found a $5 bill!  If that isn't a good sign, I don't know what is.  It would have been an even better sign if it had been a $20 or $100 bill but I am willing to start small, to accept the small signs and hope for bigger ones along the way.

At the inn now, waiting to make breakfast for guests and then I have a meeting with the bosses later this morning.  How exciting is that!  Perhaps a commendation is in store for me! Perhaps not.  But it's something different than my normal day so I am accepting it as another good sign until proven otherwise.

Finally, I might have dinner with my pal Tom this evening and that would be another good thing.  But I might not have dinner with him and that would be OK too. If that's the case, then I will walk into Santa Rosa and check out the Wednesday Farmer's Market and Street Fair that happens in the summer.  So no matter which way the chips fall, my evening will be eventful.

Good things.  Small things. We have to take pleasure in all of them. Sunshine or rain, baked or fried, opened or closed.  As Gabe said, "...the roller coaster continues, but how else are we supposed to enjoy the view."


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