Monday, August 6, 2012

So much to do

At the end of this week my lovely daughter will be in California and that will make everything all better. I am in serious need of a kid fix, so having her and Gabe in the same place at the same time will cure that need.  Hurray!

The memorial for Martha is this coming Saturday.  Who knew there was so much to do?  Not only shopping and cooking food for 100 people, figuring out what to eat and drink and where these people will all fit, but designing and getting printed all sorts of stuff for the service.  My mind is on over-drive, just whizzing around, trying to remember things and not succeeding all the time.  Need to get this thing, can't forget that thing, must tend to that need, must look up some other thing.......  and at the same time working seven days a week at the inn.  I wake up in the middle of the night makings lists of things that I then forget when I get out of bed in the morning. Ah, it will all be over soon. 

I'm not complaining, mind you, just a little overloaded.  People say "is there anything I can do to help?" and I wish I could say "yes, you can take this list here and do everything on it and then call me when you are finished and thank  you so much!"  But with a few friends and my kids at the end of the week, we will punch it out, get it all done and if 50 people show up for the after memorial reception, we will have lots of leftovers.  If 80 show up, we will have plenty of food.  If it gets over 100, well, when the food is gone, it's gone.  We can send someone to the market for bags of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers and call it good.

OK, it's time for Cooper to have his pre-dinner stroll.  Sometimes, yes, he is the boss of me.

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