Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I was going to title this post "Barf" but that sounded rather distasteful.  But barf it is.  At the inn where I work this weekend was a group of people staying in Healdsburg for a wedding. They all knew each other. They all had a good time.  They all came back to the inn after the wedding on Saturday and continued the after-wedding party.  When I arrived on Sunday morning there were more than a dozen empty bottles of wine. 

There was also a pile of vomit in one of the rooms, which I didn't know about until the wife of the offender sheepishly came into the kitchen to report it and ask for cleaning up towels, etc.  She got rid of most of it but the smell and the stain on the rug remained.  Red wine barf, the worst.  We cleaned it as best we could and hoped it wouldn't stay too stinky.

The guests who checked into that room on Sunday night ended up sleeping in a different room because of the smell. I had someone come over and steam-clean that rug but the smell still lingers.  Even today, two days later, it lingers, faintly but there, like a paper cut that keeps getting a little lemon squeezed on it.  You can forget about it until that lemon hits the hurt.  You can forget about the smell until you walk over the offending area of carpet.

That wasn't all the joy on the wedding weekend.  Two people left early and left with the keys to their rooms. The bride didn't stay on Saturday night, obviously, and she had one of the keys in her purse but no one wanted to call her because "Well, it's their wedding morning, can't we just wait until noon?"  For one of those rooms I have no spare keys, a dilemma for the peeps staying in that room right now.  Additionally, one of the guys ran into a tree on the property and dented his rental car. Another guest couldn't get his toilet to flush. 

Ah, well, at least the bride's mother left me a tip!  No one ever tips the innkeeper (well, hardly ever) so that was nice. 

Still, the lingering smell of vomit...... major BLEAH.  Hopefully the guests in that room tonight can't smell or at least don't mind the smell of the air freshener I put under the bed.  We'll see.....


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