Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Baking. NOT!!!! But thanks.

OK, I love baking.  I love making cookies, pies, bread. I often give them away but the process is wonderful.

Today, with this awesomely beautiful rainy weather, I thought I would do some baking in my teeny kitchen.  To refresh your memories, I have, literally, 18 inches of counter space.  (I know people think I am making that up but it is true.) In those 18 inches, that's where it all has to happen. First I made a pan of cornbread because I need that for my upcoming cornbread and chorizo dressing for Thanksgiving. I make a rough cornbread, so the fact that it came out dense is fine.

Second, I wanted savory shortbread. If you know me, you know I make good shortbread. My shortbread is quite decent. However, maybe it was the fact that I tried a new recipe, maybe it was because my kitchen was warm, but honestly I think it was the teeny oven:  failure!
They just didn't cook. Recipe said 45 minutes.  They were in there for an hour and 15.  I have an oven thermometer, so I know the temp was OK. I took them out and yelled at them.

But then, after I yelled and walked the dog in the rain (which is another story) I started thinking about those ruined shortbread with rosemary and thyme.  I took all of them, as crumbly as they were, and smushed them all together, forced them against their will into a small (6 inches) springform pan and put them back in the oven. I figured there was enough butter there, they should come together and somehow cook. They are still in the oven, baking.  Perhaps something good will come out of that flour and butter mixture. We'll see.  Not holding out great hopes, but it could happen.  A Thanksgiving miracle!

So, if you are reading this, (and why do I even say that, of course you are)  have a great Thanksgiving holiday. As Jon Carroll said a couple of years ago, it is about gratitude.     http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/A-song-of-thanks-3280426.php

No matter what, we all can give thanks. More to follow.

xoxo to you all



  1. yes i want the scones recipe ;)
    Julie! after all these years I am beginning to want to cook! now this means, like once in a blue moon, but still! I have made some awesome and very spicy chili lately...
    happy holiday with love

    1. Kara: this is the recipe I used. I think you could make them savory by leaving out the sugar, adding herbs, ground pepper, maybe finely chopped red or green onion or olives, maybe a little finely grated cheese. For sweet, add dried cranberries, lemon zest, anything. Have fun!


  2. Mom - this post cracks me up! You made some delicious wafery/shortbread like crackers while you were here earlier this year (was it summer time?). Do you want that recipe again? Love you. And all of your baking triumphs and disasters!
