A movie directed by Joss Whedon. Yes, it is Shakespeare. Filmed in black and white, with modern dress and modern setting and it is truly delightful. I highly recommend watching this film, even if you don't like the Bard. Yes, sometimes it's a little tough trying to follow the conversations, and this particular play is all about the conversations. But it is totally worth sticking it out. Basically a love story, or a couple of them, with some villains and some double-edged word play and a couple of goofy cops and some twists and turns and dance parties and drinking and a good ending.
If you get the disc, check out the special features. The 20 minute story about making the movie is wonderful but the "Bus Ado About Nothing" is hysterically funny.
OK, it's some ado about a lot of things, not nothing and I hope you watch it. Heck, it was filmed in 12 days, almost like a high-quality home movie..... what's not to like?
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