Thursday, August 10, 2017

Oh, were time travel an option......

I would opt for a day back when my daughter was about three years old. Or five. Or eleven. Not when she was a teenager, however. Maybe when she was a bride, maybe when she was just sleeping at any age and I got to watch her in that state of suspended emotion and energy.

Today she is 44.  I am still shocked by the age of my children but the shock is no longer new, it's simply shock and awe and acceptance. Jenn is now and has always been wonderful, but don't quiz me about the teenage years. She might have been wonderful then but she hid it well.

There is something about seeing your kids as adults, knowing they are adults and physically longing to hold them just one more time as they were as kids. One more minute of carrying them from the car late at night. One more minute of smelling their hair, scents of baby shampoo, kid sweat and whatever they rubbed in their hair an hour before bedtime. One more time seeing them dressed for a date in high school and one more time giving them the "don't drink and drive, don't get in a car with someone who has been drinking and always use a condom" speech, which I am sure they knew by heart and did not always follow.

But now, all those past times have vaporized, and here I am, on the dark side of my 60's and they are in their light side of their 40's and the one true thing I have ever had in my life are my kids. There is nothing truer.

So, Happy Birthday my beautiful, talented, funny, contentious, loving and kind daughter. You are so much more than I expected 44 years ago, so much more than I thought I would get. I got you. With your brother, there's nothing better. 


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