Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Holy cow! Election Day! Zoltan and Akinyemi face off for Governor!

First, I am seriously NOT making fun of people's names.  But where else in America do you have a person running for Governor of one of the most (if not THE most) influential states who is named Zoltan?  And another named Akinyemi? And Mission Statements of some of the other candidates: Robert Newman is pro-God and anti Con-Con.  (I am 100% uncertain what that means. I google it and there are six things that are at the top of the list and none of them are related to the others.) Candidate Peter Y. Lui wears a charming hat in his photo but has no statement other than a cryptic hashtag. One guy says "teach your children calculus."  Another, Johnny Wattenburg says "Why not?" and I sort of like that.  Coming back to Zoltan, he says he is a "Transhumanist Lecturer" and that almost frightens me into voting for him. "Transhumanism" is a real belief and I will not denigrate it because I know too little about it but if you take the "...ism" off of the word you have "transhuman" and what is that?  Oh, Zoltan, you worry my soul.

And how many people are actually running for Governor?  Dozens, more than we need.  A good race could be five or seven but as I was perusing my ballot (the mail-in kind) I stopped abruptly because I did not see Gavin Newsom's name on the list.  I thought "hmm, I am not up on politics but I was pretty sure he was running" and then I saw the discreet line at the bottom of that skinny page saying "Please turn over" so I did but then I realized they meant that you needed to turn over the ballot, not turn over on the couch on which you were reclining, and YES there was Gavin's name. I was a bit relieved. But there should not be that many names, come on Zoltan, give it up. You ain't gonna win. Richard Pryor has a better chance of being Governor than you do and he's dead, just admit it and toss your 23 votes to someone else. 

It's a crazy way to pick our governing body here in California, that's for sure. And don't get me started on the whole initiative process in this state.  Stand outside Safeway and Starbucks and Target and get lame-ass people who can barely read to sign a petition and you can get anything on the ballot if you get enough signatures. 

If you are reading this and you did not vote, shame on you. If you did vote, yay for you.  Let's see how it all shakes out. I will be happy if Zoltan gets ten votes, at least his transhuman community (maybe they are vampires???) may have voted for him.  Or not.  We will never know, all that secret ballot stuff makes it a mystery. Too bad. 


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