Seriously? Gathering in groups to spread the virus? Are we all idiots?
On the front page of two local newspapers this morning (Marin IJ and Santa Rosa Press Democrat) are articles about people flocking to beaches, to beach towns, to local Target stores to do nothing but basically defy the Governor's edict to stay at home. Because these idiots have been sequestered in their homes and neighborhoods for FIVE FUCKING DAYS, they now think they can remedy their "cabin fever" by wandering around enclosed shopping areas and by invading someone else's neighborhood, ignoring the pandemic to which they are contributing. It defies everything: common sense, intelligence, the law, humanity, human values. It's as if these fat, selfish scum have no idea what situation our world is currently dealing with.
It leaves me speechless. And it isn't just happening here. Spring break celebrators in Florida and New Orleans are doing the same, blatantly ignoring the "shelter in place" orders that are in effect almost everywhere in the U.S. With this rampant disregard for the cold, hard truth of this virus, it's a certainty that the mess we are in is only going to get worse. Much worse.
Be careful out there. Make some bread or make soup or cookies. Stay indoors.

Regarding those people going out in crowds, why don't you say what you really think? HA! They are idiots.