"Out, damned spot! Out, I say." Good luck with that spot if it's a virus, Lady M. If someone coughed on your hand, continue washing. If someone coughed in the neighborhood you live, continue washing. If someone virtually coughed in your dream, continue washing.
And so it goes, we wash and wash. Getting gas today was laden with problems: will this paper towel I brought keep any touch virus away? Will the sleeve of my sweatshirt, which I used to cover my fingers as I punched in the five digit zip code needed to authorize my credit card bring that pesky virus into my home? Should I sanitize that sleeve? Ah, the madness!!!! Please know that I am not making light about anything, I am as on edge as everyone else. But since everyone else is freaking out we can perhaps hope that everyone is being cautious and using a glove or a paper towel or their sleeve to push whatever buttons are needed at this point. And sometimes all of our buttons get pushed over this. Sometimes it fucking freaks us out to think that by touching a door handle we could get infected! (Sanitize.) We could get infected by picking up a can of kidney beans that someone else already touched! (Really?) We think we can get infected if we are within 20 feet of someone sneezing! (No comment.)
It's all new territory, folks, and we can only do the best we can. I was walking Cooper in Kenwood today with Steve and his dog and we encountered a neighbor of Steve's. The subject of conversation is The Virus and it turns out this guy had it. Well, so he thinks, he's pretty sure about it but not able to tell for sure unless he gets an antibody kit which ain't gonna happen for a while. But it would be helpful to the CDC to have people's antibodies, those who have had the virus, for research, etc. Talking to this gentleman was a tiny light into the tunnel of "what if" and it was reassuring in a way. He had it. He survived and he is articulate about the progression it made through his body. Fascinating, actually.
Okay, time for dinner: a big bowl of homemade chicken soup (lots of veggies, not so much chicken but homemade stock) and the last slice of a buttermilk quick bread with herbs and pepper, toasted and buttered. A little High West Double Rye on the side and something unsavory on Netflix and all is right with my world for now.
Do your diligence, fellow shelterers, stay safe and healthy and be happy. Walk around your neighborhoods, there are blooms everywhere and right now life is good. It is raining here in Glen Ellen, just a bit, but the sound on the roof is lovely.

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