Thursday, October 14, 2021


If you are a baseball fan, you know that this meeting of the Giants and the Dodgers is historic.  If you are a Giant or a Dodger fan, it's a lot more than that: it's epic.  Yes, we have seen the two teams battle in regular season games but this is the playoffs, folks.  This is huge.

And what baseball it is!  The amazing plays, the hits, the stellar pitching (yes, Dodger pitching is nailing it) and the excitement you can feel even through the TV screen. At this point in post-season one would expect to see great hitting, fielding, pitching and we are certainly getting that. It's a thing of beauty to see.

And there's the rub: the "seeing" part of this equation. The first two games I watched at Jenn and Dar's house, the third game I listened to on the radio and the fourth I saw at Steve's.  But tonight, what to do? In the past, in the Before Times, I would have gone to my local bar, ordered a dark beer and fish and chips and hung out for most of the game with other baseball aficionados.  But we don't do that much anymore because of the dreaded virus and its mutant cousins. So finding a place to watch this all-important final fifth game is going to be tricky.  I could probably plead and beg Steve to let me come over for a couple of innings (he is not the fan I am) or I can simply listen to it. But I think I will see if one of the local restaurants has it on in the bar.... maybe later in the game so it might not be so crowded.  Not sure yet.

No matter what, I will be tuned in tonight in some fashion.  GO GIANTS!!!!

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