Monday, January 3, 2011

Job Apps

Just so you don't think I am sitting around all day collecting my unemployment check, watching soap operas and eating bon-bons, I am reporting in on my day.  After walking the dogs earlly this morning and then venturing out to buy a new calendar for this new year, I spent all afternoon on the computer answering job postings.  Hours and hours of composing snappy cover letters, editing my resume to fit the job profile, visiting web sites to see what sort of company I was applying to.  Often the job posting would make me go directly to the company web site and fill out a very lengthy (and boring) application, listing each and every job I have ever had since I was twelve years old.  I often got half-way through the process and decided that if the company really wanted to hire me, I really would never want to work for them.  I mean, come on.  A job I had forty years ago?  How pertinent can that be at this point?

I am quite hopeful that tomorrow there will be dozens of email responses and my cell phone will be chirping off the hook, potential employers clamoring for me, willing to engage in a wage war just to be the lucky one to hire me!  I can hardly wait. 

But seriously folks, it would be nice if at least one of them responded.  Oh, I take that back, one of them did respond within 30 seconds of my submitting my 5 page job application.  They responded negatively, informing me that I did not have the qualifications they were looking for at this time.  I love that part:  at this time.  As if they will be looking for the qualifications I have at some other time.  Ha!

If I was a believer, I would pray.  Since I'm not, I will just hope.

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